For many decades now, there has been a great deal of attention diverted to the topic of aliens as well as space exploration, with the moon landing being the most significant contribution to such a trend. However, in recent years, there has been a growing interest in extra-terrestrial life. Many have reported sightings of UFOs, whilst others have claimed to have been abducted by such saucers. Although many have come to believe their testimonies, others have remained sceptical, poking holes in their stories, in hopes of discrediting them. Naturally, given how imaginative man can be, it was only to be expected that others would present different theories regarding the matter beyond whether aliens were real or not. One such theory was postulated by Jung in his book Flying Saucers, in which he argues that UFOs are a symbol of the Self, as they often times appear in dreams in a mandala-like fashion. Although the theory is in-of-itself interesting, there are a number of problems with it. For starters, as the reader will later come to understand, there is more convincing evidence to support a different origin for the UFO phenomenon. Secondly, only UFOs are discussed, not aliens. As such, the focus of this essay will primarily be the nature of the grey alien as well as providing an alternative explanation to the nature of UFOs.
The psyche is the totality of an individual's animating principle. It fundamentally consists of consciousness (the contents of the psyche that the ego is aware of and has direct access to) and unconsciousness (the contents of the psyche that the ego is not aware of nor has direct access to). The ego personality is frequently mistaken for the totality of the conscious element of the psyche. However, the ego is merely able to observe and critically evaluate the contents within conscious awareness but is not consciousness per se. However, although we like to believe all of our actions are rationally calculated without any irrational or emotional bias, as it is the ego that ultimately controls our mechanical bodily functions, the ego is nevertheless arrogant, prone to self-deception, and cognitive dissonance due to its self-preserving nature. Because, contrary to what is commonly believed by modern man due to the fetishisation of rationalism and thus a distrust of his instincts, the ego only possesses the ability to determine which instinct to embody, and will then rationalise its decision, as to justify it, regardless of what the decision might have been. Strange, is it not? Man is the only animal who needs a reason in-order for him to be able to justify his actions, yet he is the only animal who would readily reject any form of reason that he deems he is under no obligation to fulfil, despite the fact that it is the reason that allows him to justify his existence. Whilst it may frequently seem difficult to navigate through life, due to the endless deluge of decisions and their inevitable consequences, we nevertheless never lose our compass, helping us navigate ourselves towards the north pole, since we always intuitively know what we should not do due to our conscience informing us. Although we have been conditioned to believe that our instincts are antagonistic towards our own benefit and the progress of mankind, they have nevertheless evolved through generations of harsh evolutionary pressure and must therefore be of great importance and benefit for us to have persisted with us thus far. Hence, it is not wise to repress or dismiss the unconscious, regardless of whether its form of communication is frequently obfuscated or holistic, because the only reason that mankind has survived to the present moment is due to our ancestors merely following their instincts without even processing them rationally like we do. Much like an infant (infants and young children have yet to develop their ego personality and therefore experience reality through the lens of the collective unconscious) that only communicates through screams or shrieks, regardless of whether it is hungry, cold, or tired, neither do our desires express themselves in an intelligent nor sophisticated manner to the ego. But they are nevertheless not antagonistic towards the ego, since they attempt to form a symbiotic relationship with the ego to further their inherent goals, whilst at the same time rewarding the body with dopamine, serotonin, and various other chemicals in the progression towards the attainment of such goals. Ergo, man does not need a reason to live but a will to instead, because it is the will that conditions the reason, not vice versa.
The ego and Self are indistinguishable from each other until sometime between the age of 4-18 years old when the ego differentiates itself from the unconscious. Thus, an individual is no longer acting purely on instinct but has instead developed the ability to critically evaluate the consequences of his actions before executing upon them. Consequently, children will be perceived by teenagers as more joyful than themselves due to children not yet having developed their ego personality, and to thus differentiate themselves from the collective unconscious, allowing children to play with anything and anyone due them projecting psychical contents unto corporeal objects in-order to craft a story, the so-called power of "imagination." Whereas teenagers will revolt against the status quo due to them being miserable, since they have fairly recently been stripped off the glasses provided by the collective unconscious to perceive reality through the lens of romanticism, making them depressed. The vast majority of mental illnesses are therefore not caused by genetic factors that are pre-determined by birth but are rather caused by a psyche that is in a state of disorder, because there is a need for it to protect itself from the perceived appearance of an external threat. Ergo, various forms of mental illnesses are fundamentally caused by a hyper-active ego, because the primary function of the ego is to categorise reality into various abstractions since the ego must be able to operate pragmatically in-order to be able to satisfy the body's needs to secure its continued existence without unnecessary difficulties, as such temperaments only hinders the ego from satisfying the body's desires. However, the ego will thus be prone to clutch to its abstractions, regardless of whether it has been empirically proven to the ego that such abstractions are mistaken, because it needs to have a firm understanding of reality from which it can operate. But by suppressing every other autonomous will within the psyche except for the ego, the psyche thus comes to lack its former Eros since the ego is only Logos. Consequently, causing the individual to become depressed as they desperately desire to remain in the comfort of their ivory tower, despite it causing them great misery, since they are afraid of the possible consequences of departing from it into the real world due to the dread of suffering, which is deemed "evil." But it is only by accepting the struggle of life that we are able to find happiness in life through the struggle against the entropic nature of life, as it is only due to the existence of suffering that scientific progress has been made: if there was no need for man to build shelter in-order to protect himself and his family from predators, adverse weather conditions, and to provide heating, then housing would never have been a concern for man. Perhaps true evil is not the existence of suffering but rather the cowardice to not persevere despite the suffering and transcend beyond the pain in-order to become stronger, healthier, more beautiful. Indeed, everything man desires he would embody to a greater degree, because they are qualities that would allow him to resist suffering to a greater extent. Moreover, an individual suffering from a prolonged period of severe depression might possibly become suicidal, which is the ultimate manifestation of an individual's unconscious desire to be reborn through death. Thus, much like the grey alien is a projection by the unconscious of our positively ego inflated psyche, the absurd methods by which aliens deploy to study their abductees with, such as anal probing, is a representation of the ego's unshakable stubbornness to clutch to its abstractions, even to its own detriment.
The ego departing from the unconscious is depicted in Genesis as when the serpent beguiled Eve to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, which caused Adam and Eve to develop their ego personality, and therefore for their respective ego to differentiate itself from the unconscious, resulting in them realising that they were naked. But as a consequence of rebelling against God for eating from the Tree of Knowledge, they were banished from the garden of Eden. Similarly, in Paradise Lost, Milton describes how Lucifer was banished from heaven due to his arrogance. Both Lucifer (Venus) and Satan (Aries) represent the paradoxical nature of Saturn, who is the God over the domain of time. Coincidentally, the shape of Saturn is, in a platonic sense, similar to how UFOs are typically depicted as disks with a ball in the middle of them, creating a dome on either side of the disk. The bottom dome represents Eros, which is the metaphysical force that unites the individual objects of an aggregate into the encompassing unity of a collective through a shared trait, whereas the upper dome represents Logos, which is the metaphysical force that distinguishes one individual object from another by highlighting their differences. Mercury is often used to represent the matter from which everything in the process is derived from, the "Prima Materia," as it possesses both the properties of Logos and Eros: cohesiveness and volatility. However, the Prima Materia can also be expressed, as in the case of the seal of Solomon, as a hexagram, which consists of two triangles: one upwards pointing (Logos) and one downwards pointing (Eros). Coincidentally, there is a hexagram shaped by the storm (Eros) that is situated in the northern hemisphere (the north is associated with Logos, whereas the south is associated with Eros) of Saturn. Moreover, it is widely regarded (amongst a small niche of people) that the infamous occultist Aleister Crowley channelled what could be thought of as an alien in 1918 through a sex magick ritual called "Almalantrah." The function of magick, as it is depicted in fiction, does not correspond to actual magick, which is not the ability to conjure fireballs, but rather to curate a desired outcome of an event or a series of events with one's will (synchronicity). Crowley named the entity that was channelled "Lam," which is the mantra for the root chakra (Saturn). The line "It's all in the egg" that Lam told Crowley, is a reference to the Saturn, the Black Sun, as it is from an egg a bird can hatch and subsequently learn to fly, due to the fact that it is nevertheless from Saturn (commonly expressed as earth or lead in alchemy) that the alchemical process evolves from and returns to after the process is complete. Indeed, it is an unfortunate yet axiomatic belief amongst Traditionalists that the start of a cycle begins with spring and ends with winter. However, should we simply check our calendar, it would be easily observable that a year both begins and ends with winter, Saturn, as Saturn is both the womb man is born from and the grim reaper man is killed by, due to Saturn ruling over the progression of time, which, according to the second law of thermodynamics, increases entropy, death, as entropy is the force used by great equaliser to kill man by degenerating his health, regardless of whether he should struggle against its gravitational pressure or simply submit to it instead, because time does not care, since time judges all equally in death. Ergo, there is no afterlife or any other form of escapist delusion, as the ego is a product of consciousness that disintegrates, returning to its archetypal origins in the depths of the collective unconscious, when consciousness ceases to exist as a consequence of the brain no longer operating. But if man is only bestowed upon him one life, would it not be the wisest of him to live it to its fullest? Perhaps to the disapointment of some readers, it is highly likely, if not outright certain, that the various "psychic" mechanisms, which have been outlined previously, do not have a "spiritual" or "transcendent" origin but are rather due to the brain somehow being able to access the fourth dimension, which, like the "psyche," is not bound by either space nor time. Perhaps, but probably not, will there come a day when the spiritualists are not hostile to the corporeal and vice versa. But until the rest of mankind has caught up to us, at least we, who know there is no such thing as a spiritual domain (for all doctrines are nothing more than allegories), can nevertheless appreciate the magic of the material.
The collective conscious (the sphere of knowledge that the collective psyche of a particular culture has direct access to and is aware of, due to its conscious preoccupation in the collective psyche) of the populace has since the 20th century been preoccupied with the idea of exploring space. The market and mass-media also began to commercialise and propagandise space even more so when the United States and Soviet Union engaged in the so-called "Space Race," wherein which they competed against each other to achieve superior spaceflight technology. The feud was an extension of the ballistic-missile and nuclear arms-race between the two nations that started after the end of World War II. The United States is commonly regarded to be the winner of the competition following the moon landing of Apollo 11 on July 20, 1969. I shall not like to comment on the validity of neither the orthodox nor revisionist narrative of the moon landing but rather to comment on the extent of which space has influenced the strata of modern culture because of it: people wear shirts and hoodies with the logo of the NASA on them; people have debated the validity of the moon landing since it was first aired on international television; people have even gone so far as to debate whether the shape of the earth is flat or spherical; people believe extra-terrestrials abduct and communicate with people. Hence, the collective unconscious was forced to disguise itself as an extra-terrestrial due to the zeitgeist of modernity. Ergo, Aliens and UFOs are hallucinations induced from shadow projections that alter how conscious reality is perceived and experienced by the ego. The only way to prevent projections from alternating reality is to become conscious of them by becoming conscious of the shadow that is projected unto the object. The shadow is the accumulation of the repressed feelings and desires that the ego either deems to be immoral due to the conditioning it has been subject to by contemporary society, or because it seems to be too arduous of a challenge; the shadow is the unreconciled opposite of the ego, which the ego must integrated in-order to transfigure itself into the Self. Unfortunately, the ego tends to repress these feelings or desires because they cause a great deal of "unnecessary" anxiety, disregarding the notion that the anxiety is an indication that something is wrong with how the ego is conducting itself either mentally or physically. In modernity, what is repressed is the unconscious and the ego's fallibility, due to our overtly rational and materialistic culture. It has been remarked by many individuals that the typical depiction of the most common alien, the grey alien, as a short humanoid being (gnomes symbolise incompletion) with black, bug-like eyes, is a striking resembles to what humans could possibly devolve into should we continue to indulge in our vices, disregard exercise, and only pursue intellectual endeavours. Thus, the grey alien is a projection of the shadow of the ego, vanity, as its only noticeable characteristics is a large skull suited for a large brain, fitted to pursue scientific endeavours, and large eyes (Logos) that are devoid of any colour since they lack irises (Eros), because we have yet to integrate the contents of the unconscious as conscious components of our psyche.