The Polarisation of the Syzygy as the Source of Content

It has become increasingly apparent to everyone in the West that the supposed culture of each individual nation, which ideally should unite each individual nation, is no longer stable but has instead fractured into many different wills, competing against each other for dominion of the culture, the so-called "culture war." In-order to maintain the longevity of a society, it is essential to maintain a healthy culture that provides both stability and unity amongst the people but also promotes health and excellence, because such conditions facilitate for the flourishing of the individual and thus society. However, when politics becomes the main concern amongst the populace, the culture of such a society has long since decayed and will inevitably collapse, as there is no unity amongst the people anymore, due to the disintegration of the people into various "ideologies." Families, friends, neighbours, communities, cities, and entire nations will dismantle over an insidious policy that made the news, due to it being a catalyst for a collective shadow. The collective shadow is the accumulation of the repressed feelings and desires of what the individuals who belong to a particular culture deem to be immoral due to the conditioning they have been subject to by contemporary society, or because it seems to be too arduous to challenge such social taboos because of the social pressure that may ensue. Hence, the cause for the seemingly increasing interest in politics is not because politics has become more of an important topic, but rather because politics is one of the various emergent properties of the collective shadow of modernity: the polarisation of the syzygy due to a lack of culture. Thus, what is important is not to debate in-order to have a more conscious understanding of politics, but to instead understand the unconscious, autonomous wills that are orchestrating the evolution of the zeitgeist, facilitated by the advent of the internet.

There was a time when people on forums and in comment sections understood the concept of etiquette, civil discourse, the difference between banter and insults, and to not feed the trolls. Each forum used to have its own unique culture that had evolved organically through various historical events that were memorable to that specific congregation of individuals, and whose jargon constituted references to such events and hobbies. Which would function both as a means of creating a sense of belonging amongst one's peers and as a means of gatekeeping the community from newcomers who would only dilute the quality of the culture due to their ignorance of its history and thus customs. But such norms came to dissipate following the introduction of the iPhone in 2007, as a result of it having access to the internet, and its subsequent revolutionary adoption by the populace in 2012, which marked the departure over the Rubicon from an illusion of social cohesion and sanity to mass-psychosis and partisanship. Although the internet had been accessible to everyone with a computer and modem since the 1990s, it was only due to the introduction of the iPhone that the internet became more accessible to such people who were not technologically literate enough to use a computer. The internet henceforth transformed from a constellation of personal blogs and forums dedicated to a particular niche into a public forum through the advent of social media, which attempted to capitalise on the surge of new users that had recently acquired access to the internet through their smartphones, and their incessant need to express their opinions without having to dedicate themselves to a hobby. Thus, the internet transformed from a decentralised constellation of a large variety of websites dedicated to various hobbies and cultures into a few centralised social media platforms with a universal jargon and symbolism in the form of memes, which were instead dedicated only to the most banal drama. The preceding phenomenon is sometimes referred to as the "dead internet theory," the theory that the internet is comprised of bots, or rather, is devoid of people, culture, originality, and individuality.

The internet has consequently become a proxy for the expression of the collective conscious. The collective conscious is the sphere of knowledge that the collective psyche of a particular culture has direct access to and is aware of, due to its conscious preoccupation in the collective psyche. Whereas the collective unconscious is the sphere of knowledge that the collective psyche of a particular culture does not have direct access to nor is aware of but nevertheless has unconscious and indirect access to its contents, archetypes, through emotion, instinct, and intuition. Archetypes are the primordial, characteristic appearances that constitute the most universal essence of any pattern of idea, behaviour, or object before it has been manifested, experienced, or materialised into conscious or corporeal reality. Hence, the term "meme," which denotes an idea that is disseminated through various replications or imitations amongst a network of individuals who are connected through a particular culture, is an expression of an archetype whose popularity is dependent on its universality. Thus, memes possess qualitatively the same function as genes, because they are both replicators of culture and thus ensure the evolution of culture. A culture is a constellation of various traditions and historical artefacts that have emerged from the evolution of a particular race and is thus particular only to the members of such race, since only they have access to the racial memory that is imprinted in their genetic structure, the "racial soul." It is therefore rather ludicrous to believe that a foreign member from a particular culture with a certain genetic lineage can integrate into another culture with a different genetic lineage, due to the fact that a certain culture is particular only to those who belong to the same genetic lineage and share the same appearance as their ancestors who created the memes that came to accumulate into the mass of culture. Which even Leftists acknowledge when they decry that members of a certain race are not allowed to adopt the customs of another race due to it being "cultural appropriation," as a consequence of not belonging to that race. Not to mention that everyone intuitively knows that multiculturalism is multiracialism, even Leftists. The internet, collective conscious, and collective unconscious can all be likened to an ocean of ideas, wherein every meme is merely a droplet of the larger, collective tide of the unconscious, autonomous will of the archetype that currently directs the evolution of history through the manipulation of emotion; a meme is thus not novel but is rather a representation of an archetype or a drama of multiple archetypes in the collective unconscious. The herculean task of modernity is thus to surf the archetypal tides without becoming possessed by an archetype by falling into the ocean of clashing emotions or, as it is colloquially referred to as, to "surf the Kali Yuga."

Power (the freedom to impose one's will upon another) was once and is still faultily believed by many to be nothing more than a quantitative measure of military might, since dominion is achieved through conquest by military intervention. Instead, the form through which power was expressed by the aristocracy came to evolve after the French revolution, since the aristocrats came to realise that centralised public displays of power only made them a target for the resentful mob. Thus, contemporary positions of power, such as CEOs and politicians, are nothing more than mere "representatives" for their shareholders in-order to obfuscate the identities of the oligarchs who manipulate the political and economic evolution in contemporary society in-accordance with their interests and desires by manufacturing the consent of the vast majority of the population, the NPCs, through coercion, manipulation, and propaganda that preys on their emotions, archetypes. The difference between an individual and an NPC is that an individual is capable of critical thought whereas an NPC is not, since they do not possess an agency of their own, as a consequence of having been possessed by an archetype to such a degree that they are incapable of perceiving objective reality without projecting unconscious contents unto objects in-order to maintain their preconceived conception of reality (cognitive dissonance). However, most NPCs are unable to externalise their internalised will towards a vision of their own, since they do not possess the courage to take initiative of their own accord and will thus project it unto a representative of their will instead. But the archetypal will that has come to possess an NPC is not a coherently articulated system of belief, because the appearance through which an archetype expresses itself is never rigid. The representative must therefore represent a spectrum of beliefs that can all be united under one umbrella of cohesion in-order to allow the mass of NPCs to project their internalised will unto the representative as a form of totem. Thus, whoever has monopoly on the authority and means to disseminate memes and to thus have the power to curate the NPCs' perception of reality to fit the desired narrative in-accordance with the interest of their shareholders, has control over the will of the NPCs and thus society due to the façade that is "democracy."

The atomisation of society due to the rise of social media as a more convenient form of communication, has consequently led to younger generations spending an overwhelming amount of time on social media. Hence, the difference between how reality is portrayed through the warped perception of the internet through the interaction with strangers, allowing the unconscious to project complexes unto strangers, compared to the objective, immediate experience of real life through intimate relationships with friends and family, has exponentially polarised; the content that becomes viral on social media are not representative of reality but are rather hyperbole exceptions or exaggerated occasions, curating the perception of reality for the users through repetitive conditioning in-order to affirm its validity. Social media encourages a form of self-disciplinary governance over thought and behaviour, since compliance to the pre-established narrative is incentivised by other users rewarding those who regurgitate the narrative with small dopamine thrills, such as likes, whilst punishing users who express concern or criticism towards the narrative by censoring them for "hate speech" or "breaking community guidelines." Social media thus becomes a self-governing echo-chamber that encourages further radicalism by feedback loops that are maintained by other users, because it most strongly promotes the values that are in-accordance with the desired narrative. The social media experience for each individual user is uniquely tailored by AI-algorithms to suit their preferences, and to validate their beliefs without confrontation in-order to increase the amount of time each user spends on the platform to thus create a larger profile of the user through the collection of data, which the social media platform then sells to advertisers that will then advertise their products on said social media platform through targeted advertising to such user. Thus, the creation and maintenance of echo-chambers is directly profitable to the shareholders of both social media platforms and advertisers. Ergo, sensationalism, fake news, and various other suchlike methods of hyperbole journalism that depend on the manipulation of archetypes in-order to invoke an emotional and irrational reaction, will only lead to further radicalism and to thus larger profit.

The current political duopoly between the supposed differentiating poles of the Left and Right parties are proponents of the same nihilistic, neo-liberal death cult that has become the basis for Western culture since the fall of the Third Reich. The Left is distilled Eros (Saturn), whereas the Right is distilled Logos (Jupiter). Eros is the metaphysical force that unites the individual objects of an aggregate into the encompassing unity of a collective through a shared trait, whereas Logos is the metaphysical force that distinguishes one individual object from another by highlighting their differences. However, distilled Logos is qualitatively the same as distilled Eros, because value judgements that distinguishes individual objects from each other are only possible to determine if there is a metric by which judgement is based upon. Distilled Logos and distilled Eros are therefore nihilism because nihilism is the absence of the possibility to determine value judgements since everything is devoid of value. Nihilism is therefore death, since life is the will to ascertain a higher value, whereas death is the negation of life. Thus, nihilism is the ultimate manifestation of evil since it denies life, as it is the belief in the absence of value, meaning, truth, and morality, which are all derived from Logos but are only accessible through Eros, culture. Consequently, if the only value judgement by which individuals can distinguish themselves, as there is no quantitative difference between the sexes nor races, is through economic purchasing power, as the ultimate aim of every nation is to increase their GDP, regardless of the means, then all parties are nothing more than tenants of the same nihilistic, neo-liberal death cult. Thus, both the Left and Right only perpetuate the interest of the oligarchs to create a neo-feudalist, world government through stakeholder capitalism in-order to create the "perfect consumer," which they will be able exploit until society eventually collapses due to a complete lack of culture, since the perfect consumer will readily accept such living conditions by their own volition. The perfect consumer is an individual who is devoid of a cultural heritage because it will be a melting pot of various races and will thus be unable to relate to any one particular of its ancestors. Hence, it will derive its culture not from an organically evolved cultural heritage that is present in its genes but rather from mindless consumerism.

The contemporary virtues of modernity are all derived from the compassionate, diplomatic, and introspective nature of Pisces, because the European conscience is currently derived from the Zodiac Pisces and will continue to be for at least a few more centuries due to the slow pace by which the Aions evolve. Ergo, the West is decadent because our guilt-based Piscean morality has been perverted due to the belief in the collective shadow that there was a final solution to systematically exterminate Jews (there was none) by gassing them with Zyklon B in gas chambers (which never occurred) because we trust, for whatever unbeknownst reason, the Jewish Communists who discovered all "extermination camps." Supporting racial segregation, nationalism, patriarchy, civic duty, health, excellence, traditional gender roles, and opposing degeneracy is thus morally bad because they are the virtues of National-Socialism. Whereas supporting mass immigration, globalism, matriarchy, narcissism, unhealthiness, mediocrity, equality, and indulging in degeneracy is thus morally good because they are the opposite virtues of National-Socialism. Which allegedly is an oppressive ideology that is contrary to the virtues of Piscean morality, because it supposedly led to the death of six gorillion Jews.[citation needed] Hence, both the Left and Right align themselves within the confines of Piscean morality but are also each other's opposite, since the current duopoly is a schizophrenic consequence of the rejection of National-Socialism, the harmonical unification of Logos and Eros. Leftism is a form of masochism (yet is an indirect form of sadism because Leftists advocate for the widespread adoption of their beliefs) due to an intensive self-hatred, which expresses itself in various humiliation rituals by denying the individual the right to affirm their own life through repentance for their sins from those who they believe they have oppressed because of their internalised guilt. Rightism is a form of sadism (yet is an indirect form of masochism because Rightists advocate for the widespread adoption of their beliefs) due to an insatiable desire for control over others, which expresses itself in various displays of slavery by denying the individual the right to affirm their own life through the enslavement of the individual to a capitalist because of individual responsibility. Moreover, both the Left and Right advocate for the centralisation of power into the hands of an oligarchy at the expense of individual sovereignty. The Left is a nature death cult that advocates for the government to centralise control over the economy into the hands of a few companies in-order regulate emissions. The Right is an industrialist death cult that advocates for the indirect centralisation of the economy through competition to encourage cheaper production costs and higher quality products, which is therefore only reserved for large corporations since only they can afford the production costs due to economics of scale and government bailouts. Thus, it is vital for the survival of the West to abandon both of these delusional death cults in-exchange for an alternative that promotes the development of health and excellence, a Third Position. We, Europeans, must stop attempting to repent for past "mistakes" (they were not) and to instead reinvigorate our Faustian spirit by once again creating an empire, the Fourth Reich, for which we and generations to come can be proud of.

The Self is a configuration of the anima (Eros) and the animus (Logos) and represents psychic totality. Men are predominantly composed of the animus but also have an unconscious feminine aspect, the anima, whereas women are predominantly composed of the anima but also have an unconscious masculine aspect, the animus. The anima is the desire to conform to the pre-established social norms enforced by the patriarchal authority, as to not become ostracised from the tribe, since women are vulnerable to predators during pregnancy, and a sense of nurturing compassion for children and those that are unable to protect themselves from predators and the other dangerous elements in nature, the shadow of the feminine, the devouring mother. The animus is the will that triumphs over all else to differentiate oneself from the pre-established social norms, and to thus conquer the unconditioned feminine by imposing one's will upon it in-order to make it exclusively one's own property, as to protect the feminine. The evolution of culture is strictly dependent on the reciprocal relationship between men and women to conform to their respective gender role in marriage, because children develop most healthily in a household with a father and mother who both respectively represent the two principles of the syzygy in a psychically healthy manner. The principal cause for the schizophrenic psychosis that the West is currently suffering from is that our culture does not facilitate for the psychically healthy development of neither gender but rather encourages regression, resulting in an increase of mental disorders for both genders. For example, women have been traumatised by the constant propaganda by feminists that all men are rapists and have thus accordingly come to develop trust issues, since they have become possessed by their animus in-order to be able to protect themselves from the supposedly dangerous men by behaving more abrasively, as to appear less sexually appealing to men. Although, at the same time, women advocate for the destruction of the patriarchy, which, although does not currently exist, used to exist in-order to protect women from danger, because the function and virtues of the patriarchy are expressions of the animus. But as women, in a juvenile attempt to be noticed (notice me, senpai!) by the animus due to their father complex, come to appear even less sexually appealing to men by indulging in degenerate behaviour, as to revolt against the virtues of the patriarchy, come to be regarded as disgusting by men, due to men being romantics who value the sanctity of relationships since men value exclusivity and commitment, the syzygy comes to polarise even further, which has given rise to an absurd divorce rate in countries where women were granted equal rights. Thus, it should be apparent that women must not be allowed to possess any political or economic power because they are NPCs who possess little to no free will, since they are slaves to their desires and obediently obey the pre-established social norms, regardless of how absurd they are. Instead, due to the volatility of Eros, women are only able to develop their psyche healthily if they are strictly controlled, first by their father as a maiden and then by their husband as a housewife, whom they must obey as obediently as a slave for he should be venerated as her lord. Men, on the contrary, are only able to develop their psyche healthily if they are able to express their masculinity creatively by creating an empire and to then become the patriarch of such empire or, on a micro level, family.

The terms "incel," "chud," or any other derogatory insult whose negative connotations are derived from its opposition to the status quo, is used by women and anima-possessed men as they cannot argue with logic and thus resort to social pressure to discredit others, since they cannot fathom how a well-adjusted individual could possibly criticise contemporary society unless other women had ostracised them from society by rejecting them the opportunity of sexual intercourse, because their entire weltanschauung is dependent on what is considered to be socially acceptable by mainstream discourse, not what is objectively correct. Whilst there might be a diminutive subset of individuals who are genuinely unable to attract women, regardless of how much they try to since they are genetic dead ends, the vast majority of so-called "incels" are not unable to attract women because they are considered to be unattractive, but rather because it has become more difficult to engage in physical interactions with other people as society has become more atomised due to the internet. What you swiftly come to realise in high school as an introvert who prefers to spend their leisure time at their computer is that you are not receiving invitations to the parties your classmates are attending because they dislike you, but rather because you never even bothered to take the initiative to befriend them in the first place. The difference between dating sites and real life is that whereas women normally select for competence, due to having a desire to be conquered by a dominant will, they instead purely select for physical attributes, as that is the only metric by which they are able to determine the character of men, because dating sites have removed all human interaction from their platform that is not sterile. Although women do prefer more attractive men, women are also more forgiving than men of physical deformities if the man is nevertheless competent, because women are not attracted to the physical features in-of-themselves, but rather to the capacity they represent for a man to be able to adapt to his environment in-order to be able to affirm his will as he pleases. Men, on the contrary, are attracted to the physical attributes of women, since the beauty of a woman a man is able to attract is the metric by which men measure their self-worth with, due to men possessing a will to ascertain a higher value by conquering beauty as his property exclusively, which should be obvious to anyone who looks at what form of pornography men and women indulge in: men watch pornography, whereas women read erotica, since women are more so attracted to the emotional rather than the physical aspect of sex, because Eros is emotion. Moreover, as anyone familiar with otaku culture should be aware of, women like to read yaoi (homosexual erotica) because they are able to indulge in their desire to be conquered without having to deal with the trauma of having been raped, which is the case in most yaoi, particularly in the popular ones.

Contrary to a common misconception of anima integration, it is not achieved by becoming more effeminate, as that the result of allowing the anima to possess the ego, but rather to become more confident without having to compensate for it by consciously curating oneself to appear overtly masculine, like a teenager that tries to behave like a mature adult but fails due to not understanding what maturity is. Furthermore, anima possession is a form of psychic regression since it might cause a man to deviate from his natural sexuality and regress into a homosexual. However, although homosexuality is caused by anima possession, the individual is nevertheless conscious that they are not a woman, whereas transvestites suffer from cognitive dissonance due to being wholly possessed by their anima, as to delude themselves to believe that they "pass" as a woman but appear like a man in a dress to any individual with functional eyesight, nonetheless. But apart from suchlike misconceptions, the most misunderstood Jungian concept is individuation, which is simply the process of transfiguring yourself as you behave in relation to reality into how you would like yourself to behave in relation to reality or, as it is more so colloquially referred to as, "to become the best version of yourself," which is to transfigure into the Self, the unification of Logos and Eros. Whilst there no longer exist any masculine or feminine role models for the contemporary youth to attempt to emulate in-order to facilitate the progression of the process, as to guide them towards the right path, the psychical mechanics that allow such projection to occur still exist, nonetheless. Within the psyche of all men there resides a woman, the anima, who, like any other woman, has an animus that governs her by projecting himself unto men who embody the general appearance of certain characteristics that the animus deems the man should aspire to embody in-order for him to become the best version of himself. Which in the past would have manifested itself as men aspiring to emulate Achilles, Ceasar, Napoleon, Jesus, their father, etc., now has devolved into various cults of personality, centred around internet father figures like Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate, since they at least somewhat represent the masculine, creative spirit within all men to sculpt themselves into a Greek God. Much like a stern father who demands he has to approve of his daughter's boyfriend, so, too, must the animus approve of whether the men who desire to integrate their anima possess the necessary characteristics that the animus demands of them to embody before they can integrate their anima.

Throughout the course of history, regardless of its geographical or cultural contingency, has the desire of all men always been to acquire a large area of property, as to be physically separated from other people, an obedient wife, and weapons to defend his property, since the single desire of all men, which has been the sole cause of all war and creation, is the essence that constitutes Libertarianism, freedom. Whilst the desire in-out-itself in its most archetypal essence is not Libertarianism per se, it nevertheless explains why there is a pipeline between the two seemingly opposing ideologies of Libertarianism and National-Socialism, due to Libertarians inevitably coming to realise that their ideology can only prosper within a culture that already promotes homogeneity, as high-trust societies can only be created from a racially homogenous people with a healthy culture. Although, it is only because Libertarianism with its exaltation of individual liberty and National-Socialism with its veneration of racial segregation are both fundamentally derived from the principle of Logos that the pipeline exists, since they both regard separation at the expense of others to be a necessity in-order for them to be left alone to their own devices and to create a safe milieu for their children to grow up in. However, whilst conservative values are inseparable from National-Socialism, they are not an integral part of Libertarianism, despite many Libertarians, such as Paleo-Libertarians, expressing conservative values, since it is not a derivative of conservatism but neo-liberalism instead and is thus not concerned with cultural but rather economic questions. Hence, much like a man who improves himself in-order to attract a woman by becoming competent during his adolescence and early adulthood, only to then become ugly and fat as he ages, as there no longer exists any pressure for him to continuously improve himself any further since he has already acquired everything he desires, so, too, are all empires that inevitably adopt the values of Libertarianism, after they have overcome all obstacles establishing the empire, destined to degenerate, as Libertarianism cannot maintain cultural stability, because it is not concerned with it, but will rather encourage decadence due to its overt emphasis on individual liberty. Consequently, due to our contemporary culture being decadent from decades of comfort without any struggle, freedom is now conceptualised as "freedom to indulge in vices" rather than as "freedom from vices," as freedom is not a right magically ordained by the state without prior centuries of conquest to secure such freedom, but is rather a privilege because it is a quantitative measure of power, since it must be earnt by emerging victorious from the trials of life. Hence, the unfortunate reality of the Faustian spirit is an ascent that is then followed by a descent, from which another ascent can emerge, because it is the spirit that reinvigorates men to create, after which they can lavish in its comfort for the rest of their lives, or at least until they are pressured to create another Garden of Eden for themselves. Ergo, the desire of all men is to, as Freud so eloquently phrased it, to have sex with their mother, "virgin Mary" (contrary to male virginity, female is virginity sacred because it is completely untainted by masculinity and conquering female virginity is thus the most masculine rite possible to perform), because men desire for their wife to embody the nurturing role their mother previously embodied by cleaning and cooking, as to care for them. However, women desire for their husband to embody the dominant role their father previously embodied by ruling the household and defending it by providing for them, which thus requires men to become competent enough to be able to embody the animus by individuating.

Unless he should already be married or is currently in a long-term relationship with someone he intends to marry and the sentiment is mutual, I honestly cannot with a clean conscience recommend to my fellow man, not even to my archnemesis, to ever get married in contemporary society. Whilst I am aware that marriage is the only real desire most men have had in their entire life, modern marriage is nevertheless nothing more than a series of various humiliation rituals for men, since it is juridically contrary to their nature, because it emasculates them rather than to empower them. Men are no longer able to fulfil their role as the patriarch of the relationship, due to women, even though they want to be chocked in bed, having usurped dominance in the relationship as a consequence of the advent of no-fault divorce laws; the power to terminate the relationship, for any and all reasons with no repercussions, rests within the grasp of an emotionally volatile child. Contrary to men who value dignity, honour, and loyalty due to the ever elusive "bro code," women do not uphold any moral virtues because they are amoral, since women must be able to swiftly adapt to the virtues of the men that governs them, regardless of their morality, in-order to be considered "attractive" and "feminine" to receive their protection; women are only loyal to the most powerful patriarch in any given society that protects them, due to women having been forced to abandon their children in-order to bear the children of the men who conquered the tribe they previously belonged to, and have thus evolved to not suffer feelings of guilt induced through betrayal, as to survive. Whereas men are concerned with objects and ideas, as they could contribute to the development of society, women only pretend to care for objects and ideas as a proxy for their concern with social affairs in-order to make themselves appear more socially acceptable and thus attractive in-order to prevent themselves from being ostracised from society and be deprived off their protection. Whereas men have always searched for the truth, regardless of the consequences, there is nothing women abhor more than truth, for they are incapable of ever telling the truth, as everything they say is nothing more than a half-spun truth, conveniently curated to make themselves appear more socially acceptable at the expense of others, since women can only rise to the top of the social hierarchy by tainting the reputation of others, because they cannot create, only destroy. Women "like" to curate their appearance by making themselves look more beautiful by applying make-up, nail polish, jewellery, dressing feminine, and behaving in a manner that makes them seem to uphold the virtues of the status quo, only because they desire to be perceived as attractive to men in-order to receive their protection, but their entire charade is nothing more than a mere façade, a complete and utter lie in appearance, character, and spirit. Thus, the traditional housewife meme that is popular amongst conservative circles is nothing more than the product of pure, male delusion in-order for them to cope with the nihilistic gravity of reality, as to delude themselves that they can find a unicorn admits the hivemind of women whose morality has been conditioned by feminism and #metoo to have been rendered completely unable to establish any form of long-term relationship, wherein they submit to a man, due to being possessed by their animus. Do you know why they are called "unicorns?" It is not because unicorns are a rare specimen to find in nature, but rather because they do not exist outside of your own delusions, since women are all the same, without exception, because women are the products of the norms of society.

It is rather saddening that the Right, which ideally should be a patriarchal cult of virility, has degenerated into a matriarchal cult of fertility, since the only present goal of the so-called "Right" is to increase birth rates, regardless of whether or not men benefit from marriage, as they are not concerned about men, only women. Thus, they will fervently grasp at straws in-order to excuse any form of degenerate behaviour exhibited from women as "natural," since women, apparently, do not have any obligation to take responsibility for the consequences of their own actions, only men have to bear, not only responsibility of their own actions, but also the actions of women, since, apparently, that is what their ancestors did, disregarding the fact that their ancestors punished adultery and pre-marital sexual intercourse with death. Which is the reason anime has been integrated into the culture of fringe National-Socialist movements, since it is an expression of anima, due to moe being the idealisation of Eros, as it is the idealisation of the irrational and innocent behaviour particular to women, which evokes an affectionate response from men due to their fatherly instinct to protect the volatile Eros, which is made possible for the viewer to indulge in only when it is expressed in fiction, due to them being detached from the irritable consequences of moe. Moreover, waifuism has as of late morphed into an even more pathetic form through the advent of AI-girlfriends and sex dolls, since they appeal to the male sexuality, which is based on physical beauty rather than emotion, allowing men to indulge in their sexual fantasies by masturbating to hentai or, as the technology is becoming better by the day, AI-generated images, due to their supposed superior beauty to human women, as a consequence of them being devoid of any and all deformities, and their attractive charms having been amplified to levels of body-dysmorphia. But what is "beauty?" Beauty is a representation of the idealised symbol of the struggle to ascertain it, due to it being a measure of an objects worth, since human beauty is determined by the quality of genes, as the features that are considered attractive are more suited for survival since they are the result of millennia of struggle to persevere in-order for their offspring to become healthy and strong. Furthermore, the beauty of art is a measure of the techniques applied during its creation, as an expert will most probably be able to appreciate the labour required to paint the Mona Lisa better than the layman, and its historical relevancy, as the infamous, blank, one-page with only the words "the heart" in Bleach has been the target of much criticism by speed-readers, since any reader with even a figment of reading comprehension would have been able to appreciate its beauty, pertaining to the message of the Espada arc. Was it not for van Gogh's unfortunate demise, would he ever have been revered as a great painter, seeing as his work was never appreciated during his lifetime? Thus, the fetishisation of birth rates is, too, nothing more than the product of pure, male fantasy, as it is the idealisation of Eros, which is also the reason why lolicon (paedophilia) is rampant amongst otaku, since Eros is in some regard innocence and naivete. But much like Izanagi uses the Orb of Sight to reveal the true form of Izanami, only to discover her true nature is that of a witch, so, too, is female innocence and naivete only a façade, covering their dark self. However, it is also because of the optimistic belief in this delusion that progress is made in the face of despair. But do the current conditions of society facilitate for success under the influence of such delusion? No, they do not, so stop pretending they do.

Following the conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn on December 21st, 2020, the legitimacy of the rule of Pisces as the arbiter of morality (Logos) for European man has been gradually challenged by Aquarius. Consequently, causing a paradigm shift in consciousness, as I believe many of those who are attentive to the behaviour of others would concur that it has become exponentially more apparent who is an individual and who is an NPC, following the trial that was the Covid vaccine, which determined whether one trusted one's gut instinct and remained principled or voluntarily submitted to the social pressure, due to the fact that the Anti-Christ (for the lack of a better name) cannot force an individual to commit a deed they refuse to, only by deceiving them to. Hence, there is none more potent delusion permeating the modern Right than the belief in a "mass awakening," a "day of the rope," etc. is inevitable sometime in the future, despite every form of evidence to the contrary, because the morality of the past is dead, albeit only partially preserved by a few individuals who happen to synchronically congregate to the same echo chamber where discussion is limited as a consequence of a lack of perspective, whereby the belief that one's contemporaries share similar beliefs to oneself is strengthened due to the overexpose and saturation of the content discussed. Furthermore, the belief in a supposed "happening" that will occur sometime in the foreseeable future, which would result in an even more totalitarian nightmare than the present, has made many adopt an unsubstantiated delusion of grandeur, as they belief they alone are capable of fulfilling the duty to shoulder the burden of the entire "White" race by procreating in-order to "save the White race," since they have deluded themselves to believe that their decision alone will determine the fate of an entire race, as if their individual existence would ever even be alluded to in a footnote of an obscure history book. Because society will not collapse overnight, in a year, or even for many more decades, perhaps not even for a century, but will instead only continue to slowly degenerate even further until it inevitably disintegrates, as society will not collapse due to the sudden emergence of a particular event but by a continuous trend of events instead, and yet will neither you nor anyone else ever revolt against such trend, regardless of how insane society will become, because you cannot influence its evolution due to your complete lack of power, returning instead to the comfort of your digital safe space, romanticising about your power fantasies, whilst society continues to degenerate even further. Ergo, as all hope has already been gone since the fall of the Third Reich, the only realistic alternative left, after a process of elimination, is to distance oneself as much as is realistically possible from the decadence by becoming a hermit, both from society and from the internet, because the herculean task of the Aion of Aquarius is to individuate by becoming conscious of all delusions permeating both externally in contemporary society and internally in the psyche of the individual, which is the reason for the emergence of Occult literature, psychology, and New-Age movements during the 20th century, since their teachings are fiercely individualistic in nature. Although, much like Christianity in its early stages of development greatly contributed to the fall of Rome due to its degenerate teachings, only to then redeem itself by evolving into Roman Catholicism through the adoption of Roman virtues, so, too, will the currently degenerate Aquarian religions redeem themselves through the adoption of the Christian virtue to search for the truth (Logos), which subsequently will become the culture that will revitalise the subdued but nevertheless present Faustian spirit in the men belonging to the future generations. Thus, it is imperative that we, Hyperboreans, never falter, never abandon our principles, and remain sane in spite of standing amongst the ruins of Western civilisation, amidst a turbulent ocean of insanity that dares to claim that we are the "insane."

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